Saturday 2 March 2013


       The Canadian Novel Three Day Road written by Joseph Boyden, introduces two very important characters to the readers, one being Xavier, the other Elijah. Both born with Native blood, they had to face the harsh conditions of World War One. Xavier and Elijah grew up in Northern Ontario, the two were best friends; they often hunted together, learning to be great hunters and the ability to survive in the wild. As Elijah and Xavier enter the World War, we are able to observe how both characters change as they both thrive to survive. These two characters, even though they are best friends, contrast with one another.

          Xavier, raised by his aunt Niska, grew up near Moose Factory. He was aware of his traditions, his culture, and his identity. He conserved all the materials he found, and used them wisely. Xavier, devoted to his beliefs and culture, enters the war as a skillful sniper. Even though Xavier was extremely well trained, he knew that taking the lives of others was wrong. He valued others lives, as he sees everyone as pure. Even though Xavier is kind-hearted, he is quiet. He resented people who call him by his English name, and denied the assimilation to the English speakers. However, he still showed a strong relationship, an unbreakable friendship, to his companions through love and compassion. He showed his thanks to his fellow companions as they fight through the terrors of the war. Xavier Bird is a prime example of innocent and intelligent man.

         Elijah grew up as an Orphan, raised in a residential school later became Xavier’s best friend. Ever since Elijah was young, he had been a skillful hunter. Of course, during the war, he became one of the most skilled snipers too. Elijah represented the complete opposite of Xavier. As Elijah did not take his native traditions seriously, he was popular among the soldiers; he was eager to assimilate with the English speakers and almost immediately gains his English accent, as well as his new nickname “Whiskey jack”, which came from his native name “Weesageechak”. This eventually led to his addiction to morphine, as Grey eyes tempted him too easily. Elijah slowly lost his instincts and consciousness; he became insane, lusting for blood, seeking for destruction. Elijah symbolized the brawn, the muscles. Capable of killing and leading his side to victory yet failed to realize that he had been devoured by his own madness.

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